Toady i realised that i choosed ewebguru as the wrong web host for hosting my website
I am writing only my personal views about as Web Host in this post.
UPDATE: Now i am finally moving my main site to another web host HostGator...which you guys know that they are having good command in this line.
My Site is Up again but now according to website which tells us if the website is accessible in different countries or its banned.When i ping my website there then i found that i am loosing around 20% (not contant) of packets from India(from where 99.9% traffic come to my site) and loosing some packets in China also.It means that some people in India can't access my site and hence loss of visitors.
Few days ago i posted one post on my site about AIEEE solutions and when it started getting popular on google and getting high traffic( around 50 users online ) then my Web Host i.e shut my site without giving any warning mail or anything.
I took the Gold Plan in Dec. 2008 and in starting they were giving good uptime but after 2 months my site gets regular downtime.
Now when theres turn for traffic on my site they removed my site from there server.Then i called the ewebguru on mobile numbers given on there site that are
- 9968518368, 9811371323, 9711860492
But i get no replies.One of them was switched off, other one not picking and third one switched off.
Then i talked to Ashok Arora of eWebGuru on Yahoo Messenger.He told me that there hard disk is crashed, I said ok, this happens with everybody and when i asked when will my site get alive, he replied your site will be live after 24-48 hours..
My site was on the same server as of, i crosschecked the Reverse IP domain of means i checked how many sites are hosted on the server of
You can also check for your site from here
On 28/4/2009 671 domains hosted on the same web server as ( can download the pdf file from here if you want proof.
Click the Image to Zoom
I shocked to see that my site was not there and all the other sites were running fine except mine only.
So this is confirmed that servers are only for dead websites which do not get any traffic.Now if you are opting ewebguru for your site then think before taking any step.
I had written this post in Anger
Click the Image to Zoom
I shocked to see that my site was not there and all the other sites were running fine except mine only.
So this is confirmed that servers are only for dead websites which do not get any traffic.Now if you are opting ewebguru for your site then think before taking any step.
I had written this post in Anger
Really this is great review and nice information about this article..and nice write up you have described everything is very clearly..thanks for this service